Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What NOT to wear?

The mission is fast approaching and I have to get all of my "Sister Missionary" clothes ready...bleh. I know everyone's been telling me that I just need to suck it up and try to look like a Sister missionary since after all that's what I will be. However, I do NOT want to look frumpy and the idea of wearing gross shoes does NOT excite me.These are the shoes I'm ordering, a girl who served in Halifax said that they lasted her the entire mission and that they were really comfortable. I'm grateful for the tip, because it's been hard to find ones that will work. I just hope they look good with my skirts....oh the skirts... Really the skirts will be good, I've had a lot of good help from Mom and Traci with finding some cute ones. The only thing about shopping for long skirts is that when you first enter the store they all look ugly...then by the end everything looks like it could work. By the time Traci and I were almost done with the dress barn I was looking in the plus sizes to find something.

Really I think it will be great, Mom is making 2 dresses for me to wear which I think will be so cute! And it will be cold most of the time so I get to wear cute sweaters. I really am excited, and I LOVE the fact that I will be a Sister missionary, I just hope I can pull off looking semi-descent while being one!


mom c said...

I sure hope these dresses are cute! Thanks for the motivation.

ThatiswhatIamtalkingabout said...

Who are you trying to look cute for? the elders? The reason why sister missionaries dress like nuns is to keep the Elders away.....

Unknown said...

those shoes are seeeexah!!! hahaha it's ok, i won't judge you on wearing them.

i can't wait to see pics of you missionary lady!