Wednesday, August 11, 2010

She's in Canada! August 11

Hi! I'm here and safe! I only have a few minutes to let you know about how I'm doing. My p-days are on Wednesdays so next Wednesday I'll be able to write more. My first area is in the Truro area. It's about an hour away from the mission home. My companion is Sister Peaden. I haven't met her yet but I will tomorrow. The mission president and his wife are so great. He keeps bringing up obiedience and obeying with exactness, I love it! I think I will love serving with them for the next year and a half. They also said that in the next few weeks we are going to have a sisters conference on Prince Edward Island! so I actually get to go and see it! yay! I'm so excited for that! The mission home is so wonderful. They feed us the most delicious food and it just feels like home. It's beautiful here. Really green and the ocean is like a mile away so you can see it in the distance. I haven't seen too much of Nova Scotia yet but I will soon so I can be more descriptive then. We also went to the temple today. It's the smallest temple I've ever seen but it was so neat to go our first day here. They have made us feel so welcome and I'm so excited to go out and work hard and to take all the advice I've been given and put it to work! I already got to hand out a few pass a long cards on the plane. It was so cool. I sat next to a 12 year old girl and chatted with her like she was Logan or Janai. (I told her all about them too) and she was a little bashful talking about religion and I thought I would be too but the words just came. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to do that all day tomorrow! I love you all and I'll write next week.

Sister Crane

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