Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7th

To all:

Despite the weather obstacles we met our goals...well most! We got snowed in on Wednesday, which happened to be the day that we had 3 appointments, 2 of them were people on date for baptism. It was such a bummer because that was the only day we could see those people so we didn't see them all week. It was killing me! Sister Glenn was sick on Friday ( I think it was something she ate) so we were stuck inside that whole day too, and before we knew it, it was Saturday and we hadn't found a new investigator (it's our goal to find at least 1 new investigator each week). So on Thursday I decided to call a former investigator, Alain. He's from East Africa and he was so sincere in his desire to learn, but he got so busy that we lost contact with him. We get a hold of him FINALLY! yay! and set up an appointment for Saturday! It was so good! Seriously he's awesome. We taught him over at our Branch Mission leader's house, and it went really well. Alain prayed at the end and his prayer was so heartfelt and sincere. He even came to church on Sunday! In fact he was the only investigator who came and I was thrilled. We had 7 people who told us they were coming and we waited and waited. Finally we had to go sit down because the meeting was starting, but guess who walks in 15 minutes late?! Alain! I was so excited. He said he really liked the meeting. He couldn't stay for the rest of church because he got a back injury the night before and was in the ER for 4 hours Saturday night, yet he still came! He's awesome and I feel so priveledged to teach him.

We also have been teaching Greg. We've taught him for 3 weeks now and he's already in Mosiah 19. That just does not happen every day. On Saturday we gave him a tour of the chapel and taught a lesson. He told us that he feels that the Book of Mormon is true! Ah! It's awesome! He told us that when he read 2 Nephi ch's 30-33 it hit him like a ton of bricks, and he was shaking as he told us because he said he had such an amazing emotional experience with it. I'm so excited for him! He's still hesitant to come to church, I think he just doesn't like being around a lot of people and it's a big step for him but he set a goal of coming before Easter. I think Greg will do it and I already can see the difference it's making in his life. He says that his future looks hopeful now, and it didn't before we came. He said 2 years ago he was reading the New Testament all the way through and he just felt like there was something missing and he says he just had to wait 2 years for us to show up at his door for him to know!

On Sunday we had an appointment with a new investigator, Gail. We knocked into her and taught her too. She's a single Mom of 3 and a recent Grandma. It's so exciting to teach more people! So in the end we found 2 new investigators, not just one! The Lord truly blesses us when we pray and really strive for whats right. I'm so grateful that in His mercy, He allowed us to have so much success, even when I doubted that we would.

In other news we have a new branch presidency. President Mahoney. He's going to be awesome. His son is serving a mission in Ukraine. He pulled us aside on Sunday and told us how proud he is of us and how he wants to do everything he can to help us. He said that we've helped unify the branch by getting them involved in missionary work. It meant so much to hear him say that. For any of the members to acknowledge our hard work is amazing. I feel extremely grateful for the amazing members here. I love serving them and helping them, but I feel they always seem to be serving us. They really are such a blessing to us.

Well I think Sister Glenn is loving the work! She's a hard worker and now that her jet lag is gone we can really go for it! It's still cold and the mounds of snow seem like they'll never melt, it's a miracle we get in and out of our drive way every day, the piles of snow around it act as a barrier, at least I'm getting my work out every day shoveling! Thank you for your prayers and letters!

Sister Crane

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