Monday, October 17, 2011

I wish I could describe how gorgeous this place is! It's unreal. I don't remember Nova Scotia being this amazing with it's fall colors! It's incredible! With colors like these I want to stay in New least until it snows.....:)
Ok so I've got some crazy cool stories are you ready?! OK! This week we were knocking on a street....i know i know sounds really exciting right? right. So it's late at night and these are big houses we're knocking on. I hate knocking on big houses. I always feel like they are never going to say yes because they're not humbled by their circumstances. But these people were awesome! We got an appointment with the first person on the street for the next day which was Thursday. We're stolked, an appointment! how exciting! just you wait. So we go to the next few doors get a few potentials and then hit the next door and the woman says she's really busy but would like us to come back another time. We suggest the next day and BAM 2 appointments for tomorrow. Go to the next couple of houses meet another nice women who like most people is shocked that they allow girls to serve missions! We exist! It's true! Then we ask if we can teach her and she says not right now but we suggest tomorrow. BAM 3 appointments! Next couple of houses same thing, busy, not now, they suggest tomorrow! BAM 4 appointments. This goes on 2 more times and WABAM! 6 appointments for the next day all for people on the same street! the SAME street! what?! It was the coolest. We were giddy. It was awesome. The next day we go back 2 rescheduled, one actually happened, 1 cancelled and 2 weren't home BUT STILL it was pretty cool. When does that ever happen? We're still going to try and convert the whole street. Think about it! A whole ward could be formed on that street alone! I love being a missionary.
This week we've been doing a lot of member visits. We're trying to merge this whole line that stands between members and missionarys. It's hard in a ward because you just feel like another missionary. Branches it's a lot easier to feel needed. As we've gone from home to home I have just loved getting to know the members. They are incredible. They want to help with the work! It's awesome! One of them in particular was amazing: Brother and Sister Doskas.
Brother Doskas was in an accident 16 years ago that left him paraylzed. He was in the middle of a blizzard and went to check on the people who were in a 3 car pile up. As he was getting back to his car a truck slide hit him leaving his imprint on the car and then spun around and launched him in the middle of the road. The police found him an hour later. He had to have his fingers removed due to frost bite. I wish I could tell you or even begin to describe the feeling in their home, the faith I felt. It was tangible. I was moved to tears more than once just sitting and talking with them. It's like they don't have faith anymore they have knowledge. They don't believe their prayers will be answered, they KNOW. At one point Sister Doskas said to me, "With God by your side you can do anything." I believed her. She has absolute experience that attests to that. They are a witness to me that trials can refine you, if you let them. I hope never to forget my small interaction with them. It has impacted me greatly.
The work is moving forward! Jerome came to church and he hasn't been in 2 months! I was extatic! Now lets just get these people baptized! We will! I love being a missionary. I love this place that I get to serve in. The meritimers are hillarious, old fashioned, and odd sometimes but I want to be just like them. I can't imagine serving anywhere else and being this happy. This is my home and I will forever be grateful to have served here. What a privledge and a blessing!
Sister Crane

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