Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 20th 2011

I've decided I'm going to start gardening. After my mission of course. The branch has inspired me, and us all. Alas. We had a gardening activity on Saturday followed by a BBQ. The district has challenged us all to grow something you can eat this year. I like the whole eating something but I don't know about growing it. But after the presentation I think I've changed my mind. Maybe.
This week was another good one! They all are when you think about it. I guess you can find good in every week if you look. Learned that one from Polyanna. Thanks Polly. 5 of our investigators came to church! Do you know how huge that is for Truro? I'll tell you, IT'S HUMONGOUS! Steve, Amber, Gary, Ja-Mychal, and Garnet. YAHOO! Our gospel principles class tripled. It was awesome. We planned really well which helped a lot when it came to Sunday. We called members to greet them and sit with them and all of that jazz so when it came to Sunday each member came in the doors saying something like, "where's so in so?" or "is so in so here? I'll save them a seat." We normally plan that kind of stuff but not that many people ACTUALLY show up. So it was exciting to say the least. Church for a missionary is like what the entire week culminates to. It's the big enchillada, if you will. It was Amber, Garnet and Steve's first times at church. Amber did really well, Garnet and Steve looked really nervous though. They both said they liked it though. Cool Story:
Garnet told us that after sacrament meeting he was really getting a craving for a cigarette, he was just about to leave and go for a smoke when a member, Brother Edmonds introduced himself and started talking to him. They talked so much that all the sudden Garnet realized he was walking back to the class room and sitting down. Brother Edmonds came in too and joined the class. So because a member was friendly, Garnet got to enjoy all of the class instead of smoking. Members are the best!
oh oH OH! Steve is on date! 7 on date! wahoo! seriously though. It's amazing. He's getting baptized on August 13th. Steve's pretty funny. He has this really I mean REALLY deep voice. His sister told him he sounds like that one guy on king of the hill. It's a cartoon and I've never seen it, but I've seen the guy talk on commercials and his voice matches almost exactly. He's super quiet too. In our last lesson he started telling us about this band called Blue Rodeo. He said he'd buy us tickets and we could all go when they come in August. When we told him we couldn't because of mission rules he was in shock. I told him it would distract us and we do missionary work full-time. "Distract you?!!!! from what?" I think he's still confused about it.
Teaching 3 young single guys can be weird sometimes. Each of them have found out how old we are and if we are married by asking in really round about and funny ways. You know, where YOU know what their trying to get at, but they don't think you know. It must be a guy thing. First was Gary. (I might have mentioned this one in my last e-mail) After one lesson he goes, "so you ladies are married right?" uhh no "oh I thought that was a wedding ring." He was pointing to Sister Glenn's CTR ring, "uhh no that's not even on my left hand!" Steve's was classic too. Sister Reyes was with us at the appointment and she starts talking about her 5 kids. Steve looks at us and goes, "so you all have kids?" smooth. No! We told him we aren't married and don't have kids. "how old do you think we are?" we asked Steve. "25 or 30" WHA? no. def. not. pretty sure I look like I'm 18, your age odometer must be broken. Garnet's wasn't as obvious. He asked us what we become after our missions, if we turn into nuns or something. We laughed and made it clear that we wouldn't like to be single for the rest of our lives. Later in the conversation he says, "I don't even know how old these ladies are!" Oh dear. Maybe when we meet single men we should just start off with, "So for the record I'm 22, no I'm not married and no I don't want to go to concerts with you, and I'm going to go home to California and not live in Truro for the rest of my life." I'll try it sometime and let you know how it goes.
Our investigators really are the best though, they are each sincere and really have a desire to be baptized and come closer to God. It's amazing to see the changes that each of them are making and their progress. The gospel must be true because there is no way that I could get so many people to come to church, live the word of wisdom, pray on their own, and read their scriptures, they feel the Spirit and that's what's so amazing!
Ja-Mychal (9) is getting baptized this Saturday! Yahoo! He had his interview on Sunday. We told him it was going to be really hard and the Elder interviewing him was going to ask him math questions and what his favorite sport was. I think he was slightly bummed when it didn't actually happen. Ja-Mychal told us after that when Elder Steward asked him what it means to get baptized he said that it was liking being reborn. Man that kid is smart. His parents really prepared him, what we did was just fringe.
In other news I played my first game of hockey in Nova Scotia. It was with a 7 year old and it wasn't on ice, but you have to start somewhere right? I totally beat him but don't tell him that, he thinks we tied. Hockey is a BIG deal here. like REALLY big. We do service in the nursing home here and even they were talking about it. " Vancouver should have won, even though Boston is still good because they have more Canadian players than Vancouver, but it's gotta be a Canadian name to win not the states!" They're a bit patriotic here too, have I mentioned that? The other day we talked with 2 people who told us why Canada was better than the US and what things the US was doing wrong. It's so pointless to tell us, we don't even get to watch the news! I just smile and nod. I do love learning more about Canada though. I've memorized all the provinces and I'm working on the capitols. Our mission covers 4 of the 9 provinces so that part was kind of easy. This week is sisters conference and we get to go to Peggy's cove. It's supposed to be picture perfect there, just like a post card. I'm so excited! Sister conference is the best! pray for good weather!
The church is true! Thank you for your love and support! Have a wonderful week!
Sister Crane

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