Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22

Hi everyone,
So some awesome experiences this week! We had all of those appointments, over half fell through but we still taught a TON it was such a blessing and it's continuing on through out this next week. Some investigators have dropped us, but as they do, new ones keep coming! It's amazing! Last week this single mom Karen with her 8 year old daughter Brittany that we are teaching, prayed together! Karen had only prayed one other time and we asked her to pray and she was hesitant so I asked Brittany to pray and Brittany said, "uh I don't know how" and Karen jumped in and said, "I'll help you" and then she walked her through how to pray just like we had walked Karen through how to pray. It was the most amazing experience ever and I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. To see a Mom teach her daughter to pray to her Heavenly Father, because we had knocked on her door and taught her how to pray to her Heavenly Father, wow. It was an experience of a life time.

In other news, we are still teaching Casey a single mom of 2 who knows the church is true but she doesn't think she's ready to be baptized yet. We tried to set a date with her, but she said she's not ready and she says that she will pray about the date we gave her of Oct. 23rd. Man oh man. We taught her about the word of wisdom and my personal fav. Law of chastity. haha ya first time teaching that one and boy oh boy is that a humbling one. It was fine, and I am amazed at how bold I am when wearing this name bag, but it's hard because I can't relate to her I just know why we should obey it! I told her about each of my siblings and that if anyone of them were here I knew they would tell her that they were so grateful that they waited and were obedient to that law. It's amazing how I just love Casey so much. I really want her to be baptized and I kept reminding her that it's not about letting us as missionaries down, it's between her and the Lord and she wants to be baptized and is missing out on the blessings that the Lord so freely wants to give her!

The work is great. We are so excited today for P-day we are going to the church getting popcorn and watching old church videos like Labor of Love and The Prodigal Son and seminary videos. We've counted down to it all week. It's hillarious that as a missionary you get so excited about something so ridiculous but it gets me through. And now we get to look forward to going to the temple next Wednesday! ah! Sister Peaden hasn't been for 7 months! crazy huh! but we got permission from the Pres. and a Sister in the branch, Sister Reyes, who is awesome by the way, is going to drive us so we can do a session with sister Hudson! So I get to see my long lost friend again! If in your prayers you could pray that we get to go to the temple that would be wonderful! We are looking forward to it so much, and I'm slightly nervous that something will happen so we can't go. So we have been praying for it every day :) Can't wait!

I love you all thank you so much for your letters and e-mails and prayers! I feel so blessed with support and it helps motivate me so much! thank you thank you!

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