Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 20

To all:
Another week has flown by! How does this happen? I do love that it flys by though! So we had interviews with President Simpson yesterday. Looks like it's about 99% sure that Sister Peaden and I will both be here for another transfer. I'm really happy about it. We've gotten used to eachother and the balance of how everything goes when we teach, so it's just one more transfer where I won't have to get used to someone else. We've also become good friends, it's amazing how you can come to love someone over such a short period of time when you serve with them. President Simpson also said some really great things, he said I'm like a missionary who's been out for 10 or 11 months, that I've picked up on everything really quickly and he's really proud of the work we're doing in Truro, he's just amazed at our success as we are. I love seeing President and Sister Simpson, it really helps you feel motivated and want to continue to do better.
Yesterday we presented the stop smoking program to Stephen and Matt. Matt, unfortunatly oppted out in the middle of it, but that's ok hopefully next week he'll have the desire to do it. Stephen took the challenge and is quitting this week! We are so excited for him and really hope that he sticks with it, I can't imagine how hard it must be to quit from an addiction like that, but I know he can do it. In fact, Sister Peaden and I left after meeting with him and stopped in a grocery store to use the washroom and guess who we see there, Stephen, picking up the supplies that are on the supplies list for the stop smoking program. It was awesome!
We have a new investigator! He is a foreign exchange student from Brazil and he is staying with a member. His name is Alexandre. He's really awesome and comes to church every week and goes to seminary too. In fact, when we taught him on Saturday we renamed the day "culture day" because we taught Alain that day too, who is from Africa, and then we taught a member who is from the Phillipines. I just kept thinking, "wow, why want to serve anywhere but Canada? all of the foreigners just come to you!" It's really neat to ask them questions about their homes and understand a little bit more about their cultures. I love it!
Oh we got a new car! A brand new one too! It's a subaru Impreza 2011. We feel pretty cool, since our district leader got our old car, which was ok, but a little shaky when you're on the highway. This one is sweet and Sister Peaden loves driving it, it's hillarious actually, because I've never really cared too much about cars, but you can sure tell the difference with the way this one drives compared to our old one. Now lets just hope we don't wreck it :)
I'm giving a talk on Sunday! It's going to be on enduring to the end. I'm really excited. It's kind of exciting because in a talk no one talks back. haha In a lesson, you never know what the person will say and a lot of it depends on them and so you never know how it will go, but when giving a talk, it's just you and the Spirit, it's more of a comfort zone I guess. Oh and on Sunday Pres. and Sister Simpson are coming for a fireside that we are incharge of, it's our follow up fireside for the "sweet is the work" activity that we had. We can't wait! Seriously this branch has been awesome about missionary work. Last week the talks were on "how can we support the branch missionaries." SWEET! In one of the talks, Sister Henwood said, "That missionary basket should be full of food every Sunday, and we need to go and teach with the Sisters and they need to eat every meal 3 times a day and we need to be feeding them!" Inside Sister Peaden and I were thinking "you tell em!" haha It was awesome.
So it's getting colder and colder, and the work is still moving forward. Sister Peaden and I are trying to spend more time finding, just in case all of the sudden we don't have any investigators, you never know when that could happen. I feel so blessed to be here in Truro, I just wish it would stop getting so cold here, I'm not ready for it to snow! The worst is the wind, because you can get used to how cold it is, but then the wind blows and wow you feel it. Oh well, it's more exciting when you get into doors that way, and we've been let in more, especially when people find out I'm from California, they usually make fun of the the fact that my nose is so red and then invite us in, thinking that I've never experienced cold in my life. :) Oh well whatever gets you in right? Thank you for your prayers and support!

Sister Crane

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