Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22nd 2010

Wow this has been the week that has beaten ALL other weeks ever!!! We have 4 MORE PEOPLE ON DATE TO BE BAPTIZED! That's 5 in total! This is nuts. Seriously. It's the craziest thing ever! Ok let me explain, because this week has been AMAZING!

So the first 2 people are Jerry and Michelle. They are living together and they both have 1 son each. (Dillon (7) and Cameron (12) ) We knocked into Jerry 2 Saturdays ago and talked about the Book of Mormon. He had read it when he was 13 and had this amazing experience with it and invited us back. We have met with him every day since. He came to church on Sunday and it was so awesome! It was the Christmas program, and Sister Peaden and I played a medley of hymns (Sister Peaden rocked it on the recorder, yes the $2 recorder I bought her for her birthday, you betcha) And I accompanied Taylor this cute 8 year old girl as she sang "He Sent His Son." Surprisingly there is a lot of musical talent in our little branch! It went perfect and then after they broadcasted the 1st Presidency Christmas Devotional and followed it with a little linger longer, lunchin. Michelle had to work but Jerry came with Dillon and Cameron and he loved it! The branch was amazing, they all welcomed him in, we barely got a word in, everyone else was so busy talking to him. :) He afterward said he felt more at home there than at his own family reunions. He said it didn't even feel like church, it just felt like a bunch of selfless people coming together to help others. Sister Putnam has been coming to every lesson with us too. She is a recent convert of 2 years and she says it's been helping her so much too. She's reading along with them and she has come to love them I dare say even more than we do. She is the kindest person I have ever met. I hope to one day be like her. When I read about how Christ tells us in the scriptures to become as a little child, I picture Sister Putnam. She's incredible.
The other 2 that are on date this week are Chad and Darleen. Darleen is Chad's mom and Chad is 15, he has a brother Bradley who is 12. Chad has been coming to Young Men's and seminary a ton and loves it. We didn't even have to bring up baptism, Darleen just said at the end of the lesson, "so Chad wants to get baptized, how do we make this happen?" I responded, after I finally shut my mouth in surprise, with, "well lets set a date!" Darleen was sick and didn't get to come to church but Chad did and he brought a friend too. I'm so excited for them both. We have Brother Mahoney coming with us and like Sister Putnam with Jerry and Michelle, Bro. Mahoney is so invested in them, I love it! It's just wonderful to think that our investigators are building such great relationships with the members here.
Speaking of the members, on Sunday at the lunch- in they brought in this huge box full of Christmas presents, cookies, pie, juice, candy, and food for us! For Sister Peaden and I! President Bezanson had us stand up and he presented it to us and said that he wanted to thank us for our hard work and that we brought a lot of enthusiasm to the branch and then had everyone clap. I was overcome with gratitude. I basically sobbed the whole way over to get the presents. Sister Peaden and I went home and opened up the presents one by one, all of the branch members had planned this out and each had gotten us a little something. I don't think I have ever felt so loved in my whole life. It was the sweetest thing. I think what meant so much is that I truly feel that I've given my heart to these people, I love the members like my own family and for them to show their appreciation is overwhelming. Christmas hasn't even happened yet, and I think that was the best present I have ever been given.
Well I hope you each have a very Merry Christmas. I am especially thankful for our Savior Jesus Christ and for his great Atonening Sacrifice. I am grateful to be able to represent Him and to serve God's children. I know that He lives, and I know that God knows us each personally. He leads us by the hand, and prepares us for our future trials, and blessings. Thank you for your letters and prayers! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Sister Crane

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