Monday, October 24, 2011

SAMANTHA'S GETTING BAPTIZED! yahoo! November 11th. You betcha! This is the girl who approached US on the bus and invited us over. She grew up going to church with her sister who's a member but had to wait till she was 18. Then we run into her on the bus and badabang badaboom. She's awesome. After we set a date we went back and showed her a calendar of what we were going to teach her to prepare her for the 11th. She looked at it and said, "only 3 weeks till I get baptized!" We kept saying how excited we were and she kept saying that no one was as excited as she was. Excitement was in abundance.
This week was awesome! WE GOT 2 NEW INVESTIGATORS! wahoo! Heather and Kathleen. Heather was a former that we called and set up an appointment with. She is so nice and I laughed my head off during her lesson. She's hillarious. Kathleen is so awesome too! She's one that we knocked into the other week and she was not interested at all. She said that she had lost her faith in God because of all of the bad stuff going on within organized religion. We started talking to her and testifying of the Book of Mormon and by the end of it we got an appointment! It was amazing the turn around. We went for the appointment and she said that she was interested in coming to church and in bringing her whole family. A FAMILY! ya buddy! I really hope we get to teach her whole family!
Sunday was such a great day. It was the primary presentation and those kids are so cute! No matter where you go the primary program is the best Sunday of the year. Afterward we had a few lessons. One was with Naoise (neesha). She's so awesome. She and her mom are going to start reading the scriptures everyday. She has a goal of finishing the Book of Mormon before her baptism. We also went to see the Thomas family. They are a less-active family in the ward. We brought a couple from the ward with us and played a game. We scattered a bunch of pictures of different parts of Joseph Smith's life around the room. They had to go find them and then put them in the correct order of what happened in his life. At the end we bore our testimonies of a living prophet and of the Savior. Everyone was paying attention and the Spirit could be felt. The members who came with us even bore their testimonies of how prayer helped them in their family and it was just amazing! We've gone over there before without members and if only members could see the difference they make! It's huge! really.
I can't believe October is almost over. The trees already look brown. It's amazing how the incredible color I saw last week has already faded. I'm so grateful we have a car! I don't know how I would do without one right about now. I'm so grateful to be here on a mission. It's such an incredible blessing! I love reading the Book of Mormon. These prophets are real! They actually lived! We have this incredible record that we get to read from and it was written for our day. It's amazing. I'm so grateful for the scriptures. I'm so grateful that I get to take the time to feast on them every day. What a great blessing.
Sister Crane

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