Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18, 11

To All:

Hello! I thought it was supposed to be spring, but we still have snow flurries. What is up with that? It's time for it to end. I was sick this week. Such a bummer. Seriously, I hate being sick on my mission. This is the 3rd time now and every time it's the same thing, an extreme cold or something. gross. Anyways I feel much better now, but lets just say last week we didn't get as much done as we had planned, due to that. But this week will be so much better, I hope. I'm currently waiting for the phone call to tell me if I'm being transferred this week or not. Yeesh. All of the members think I'm leaving since it's unheard of to have someone stay in Truro for 9 months. But who knows, no matter what it's what Heavenly Father wants, I just would like to know already!
So Heather and Wanda's baptism is being pushed to May 7th because Wanda has an ear infection and can't go under the water for a few weeks. She called us 3 hours before her scheduled interview....we were kind of freaking out when she said, "I'm going to have to cancel my baptism." But after hearing what her doctor told her it's understandable and now they have more time to prepare. They even took the initiative and asked the branch President if he would baptize them both on the 7th. Heather had her interview already and Wanda's having hers tomorrow. Heather was so cute she came in and shook Elder Burr and Elder Gammell with her left hand and then she whispered to me that she had to go wash her right hand because she had cheesies. (cheetos, they call them cheesies here...weird I know). She said, "well I was so nervous and I couldn't have coffee so I had to do something!" So funny. She came out of the interview looking so relieved. She did great and I'm so excited for her. Wanda is so smart. Seriously, I ask in yesterdays lesson what they remember about Nephi and she comes out with all of these facts about him that I didn't even know she knew. I'm so glad she's been retaining what she reads. It's exciting to see them learn. In the closing prayer last night Heather said, "I hope that the Sister's get to stay for our baptism." awww. I'm so glad they like us! :)
Greg is hillarious. At church on Saturday they had this big branch clean up where they were going to deep clean the whole building. We didn't invite Greg or even tell him about it, but he heard it announced in church and just showed up! We didn't even know he went until the Branch President mentioned it on Sunday. I think he thinks he's a member already, and I think everyone else thinks he is too. We talked to him about praying about June 11th to be baptized and he told us that he feels like maybe it should be sooner! YAY! That's what we were hoping for. He was sick on Sunday but hopefully we'll get to teach him this week and get him to decide on a date finally.
We had members feed us this week! hooray! That's always nice! I love the members here. I'm learning so much from them. We got a new investigator this week, Corina. We knocked into her last week and when she opened the door we saw her daughter Payton. Immediately I knew that I knew that little girl and then it dawned on me that she goes to day care at one of the members homes! So I asked her if she knew Sister Reyes and we talked for a minute about that and then she invited us to come back. We did and it was such a good lesson. You can tell that she's really trying to turn her life around, she's going back to school to get her grade 12, and working part time. She's a single mom of 2 and is 22 years old. When she told us how old she was I was thinking, "what?! I'm 22! weird...." She's been searching different religions and you can tell she just wants to find the right one. We're going to go see her tomorrow and I'm really excited for her.
After being sick for a few days it was hard to get back into the swing of things. Yesterday I was finally feeling 100% again. As we went and taught I just felt so happy. I love teaching people. I love that the Spirit can take whatever little ability I have and magnify it. I have been out now for 9 months! I'm over 1/2 way there! It's just crazy. I can see such a huge difference in my own life in just 9 months, I'm so excited to think about the person I can be after these next 8. I know that the church is true! The gospel is truly good news and has the solutions to any of lifes concerns. If we stick with it, the gospel can bring so much happiness to each of us! Thank you for your prayers and love!

Sister Crane

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