Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 4

Conference was the best! Sunday afternoon was my favorite session. (If you're allowed to have favorites :) ) I especially loved the talk on the difference between doing and being, and Elder Christofferson's was so good too! This week we got 2 new investigators! yay! The first one is Margaret. We knocked on her door and asked her if she was interested, she told us she needed a lot of praying and invited us in. We sat down with her and had such a good lesson. Apparently her cousin is a member of the church and she's familiar with the Book of Mormon. She's been through a lot in her life and still is facing some battles. She said that she has felt like something has been missing in her life, and here we are! It was so nice, during part of the lesson, she told us that we had an inward glow that made us beautiful, she said she knew that only God could do that. I was so touched, but even more amazed that she was in tune with the Spirit to notice that there is something different about us, and she can have that too!
The other investigator is Larry. We had made appointments with Larry in the past but each time he cancelled, we thought we should try one more time but, to be honest, we weren't expecting much. Surprisingly he was there and it was such a good lesson. He talked about how in the past God had helped him over come trials and he doesn't know why he stopped going to church but he feels he needs to go back. Yet again someone who was realizing there's something missing in their life. I'm really excited to teach Larry, I think he really needs this.
We had interviews with President and Sister Simpson. They are so great! Our mission covers the northern tip of Maine and President Simpson was going there for their interviews shortly after ours so he asked us if we would like anything from the US, any comfort food. I told him a REAL kit-kat. The ones here are made by nestle and just don't taste as good as hersheys. A few days later we find a bag hanging on our door with a package of kit kats, a giant hersheys chocolate bar, hershey chocolate bunnies and 2 snickers eggs. I couldn't believe they had gone out of their way not only to get it, but to deliver it to us. It totally made our day. They are the best!
Greg, Heather, and Wanda came to conference. Greg loved it. He said he was holding back tears most of the time. Heather and Wanda thought it was a little slow, I think they were bored. But it's ok I'm just happy they came. They like more interactive learning, so I'm amazed they came to 2 sessions! A less active family, the Chown's, came to general conference too! We met them last week and had a really good lesson. They haven't been to church in a long time but both wanted to come back. We invited them to general conference and they came! It was amazing! I guess some people just need an invitation. They are out their waiting for someone to just say, "Hey we miss you, please come back." Sister Chown hugged us at the end and said, "Thank you for coming into my life." What a sweetheart. I hope they continue to come. At least we're off to a good start.
And there you go. I feel like this past week was a blur. We've been working a lot with the Branch President lately on getting the records all neat and tidy. We went through the whole list and called all of the less active members. I'm excited to meet some of them and hopefully help more people come back!
Oh here's a good story for the day. Yesterday we were out knocking and we come to this door and their is this really old bearded ruff looking man who answers. He had almost kind of a crazy look in his eye, I wasn't sure how to approach him. I asked him how he was and he replied, "Terrible!" I said, "oh no that's not good, well we've got some really great news to cheer you up!" He suddenly looked interested and said, "What's that?" I started with "We're missionaries with the Church of..." He slammed the door in our face and said some explicitives that I won't repeat. I laughed so hard. I was going to tell him that the church had been restored, but he didn't let me get that far. Too bad. I have to say that was one of the best reactions I've had at a door though. It all happened so fast and I was surprised at how easily I could let it roll off my back. It is so sad when people don't accept, but if I felt sad after every rejection I'd be depressed. So somethings you have to laugh at.
Well the church is true! I'm so grateful for a living prophet. What a blessing to have President Monson to lead and guide us. This conference for sure strengthened my testimony of him and I'm grateful for it. Have a wonderful week!

Sister Crane

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