Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15th

Biking is brutal. I'm injured. Ok not that badly, but boy oh boy do my legs get beat up. yikes. I am learning to tough it out though. It's hard, but Sister Davis is teaching me....what did I even do this week? Don't you ever have weeks like that? We had district meeting and afterwards we all went out to a thai restaurant. Can I just tell you that I am not a master at chop sticks. It's quite embarrassing actually. Such a shame. I'm grateful I got sent to Canada where the fork is most commonally used.
We have a new investigator! Want to hear a really cool story? ok! So we go to knock these apartment buildings. They are the kind that you have to buzz to get in. yuck. Hate those ones. It's so awkward to just buzz a random apartment and say, "hey we're missionaries, you don't know us but can you let us in to your complex so we can annoy all of your neighbors and have them point fingers as to who let us in?"....ok so we really don't say that, but we might as well. We buzz the 1st apartment and no answer. Then in walks some guy and he asks us if we want into the building. SWEET. uh ya! So we get in. At this point I'm thinking, there is a reason we're here. That was not a coinsidence. There's got to be someone that we need to see here. We start at the first floor. A total bust. 2nd floor. Even bigger bust. It's now lunch time and I don't really care to knock any more, I figure lets just go home. Sister Davis says, "lets just try one more floor." ok 3rd floor. 1/2 way through and a bust. lets just go! No, says sister Davis, we should just finish the floor (see this is why you have companions, b/c when one is down they bring you back up and help you) Next door we knock on is this really nice girl named Savannah. We talk to her for a bit and then I ask if we could come inside and share more about our message with her. "sure! come on in!" WHAT? ya! It was the best! She's a mom of 2 cute kids. One of whom is a 4 month old baby who is suffering from a brain injury at birth. Her baby isn't even supposed to be living right now, but it was a miracle and now she's here! Savannah doesn't know much about God or Christ, but her boyfriend who is pretty religious has told her a lot about God and she knows that a higher power helped her baby be here today. Ah! God prepares His children to be taught! I'm so grateful that Sister Davis pushed us to keep going, or we wouldn't have met her!
In other news, Gloria finished the Book of Mormon! woop woop! She loves it. And we love that she loves it! Affe is as cute as ever. We were in the middle of a lesson when all the sudden she realized that the Simmons, (a couple from the ward that we had brought) had taken off their shoes at the door. She hurridly shuffled out of the room and then came back with 2 sets of slippers for them to wear. "It's too dirty! Your feet will be cold!" It was adorable. One of the things I love about all of our foreign investigators is that we get to teach them about Christ. A lot of them don't know too much about Him. It's a real blessing for me to be able to testify so much of Him and teach them about His life.
This week made me really grateful for the priesthood. God knows us personally. Priesthood blessings are incredible. I think they are one of the things that has strengthened my testimony the most on my mission. Time and time again, God reminds me that He is near and heavily involved in my life. So since He's no respector of persons, then he's heavily involved in our investigators lives too. Pretty amazing. God is there and listening even when we think He's not. He's always there. I know it. He listens even to the thoughts of our heart. Pretty incredible. Have a wonderful week!
Sister Crane

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