Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22

Hey remember that one time when we got 7 new investigators? oh ya I do. It was the BEST! We are now teaching all of Napal. Don't know where that is? Me either. Well now I do, they explained it to me, it's somewhere by India and China. We go to teach Nari, a college student here, and her 2 siblings and her friend are there. We teach them all and bam, 4 new investigators! It was the coolest ever! 3 of them are Hindu and the other is Christian. Their friend, Anuba prayed in Napali at the end. That is basically the coolest language I've ever heard. Lately I've heard a lot of people pray in their own language, but Napali is insane. She was talking so crazy fast I was hoping she'd take a breath or something, but I don't think she ever did. At the end I looked at her friends and said, "ok, what did she say? you gotta tell me!" She said she prayed for us and for her friends. I thought, "seriously? that was it? you were praying for at least 5 minutes." I love these culture experiences. I have all of these places I want to travel to now!
Josh was another new investigator we found....well...he found us. We volunteer at the local community kitchen every week and he was there volunteering too. He came up to us and told us that he's always wanted to learn more about our church and if he ever joined a church it would probably be ours. Saweet! We had a lesson at the church and gave him a tour of the building, then as we sat down to start the lesson he said, "I'm going to be honest you've got me convinced already, I think I want to join your church." uhhh ok! you want to get baptized tomorrow?...If only it worked like that. He is really enthusiastic about it though, it's awesome. He really wants a change in his life and he met us at the right time. Isn't it cool how that always seems to happen?
Our other 2 new investigators are an older couple, Claude and Janet. We met Claude street contacting and then went to teach him and Janet. They are both enthusiastic about the Book of Mormon. Claude's at page 100 already! Janet came to church on Sunday and said she really enjoyed it, she said she felt like she was at home as soon as she came in.
I love having people to teach. It's the best. I feel so grateful that Heavenly Father has placed me in 2 amazing areas to be apart of. Truro was so ready to grow and I got to be apart of it, and now Fredericton is ready to grow and I get to be apart of it. I feel so blessed.
On Sunday I gave a talk. It was kind of cool because all 4 of the missionarys in the ward gave talks. We just took the 4 lessons in Preach My Gospel and taught each one. I had the Plan of Salvation. I cried. What's new. The other talks were really good, and I think it was nice for the members to see what we teach.
TIP: do not work down town on Saturday night. That's when you get some...interesting characters. Seriously. We were walking by the bus stop and these guys stop us and want to talk about our religion. One of the guys tells me it's his birthday tomorrow and he's half drunk, but would really like to come visit our church. cool. The other guy was a bit vulgar, so won't repeat that one. We also ran into a woman named "Bunny Love" she writes gospel music and told us she loved us and kept hugging us. I felt the love, keep spreading in bunny. Then we go to an appointment and it falls through, so we're standing outside the apartment building figuring where to go to knock and this little girl walks out. She yells out, "hey what are you guys doing here?" She walks over to us and makes us hold her doll, "libby" and then insists that she goes with us. uhhh yike. We tell her we'd like to meet her mom aka we'd like her mom to take her so she's safe. Finally, she takes us to see her mom and we tell her mom that we just wanted to make sure her daughter was safe. Her mom says something like, "oh ya she's fine she just stepped out." ok so do you not realize that your daughter who is 3 who claims to be 6, is out by herself on a busy street? yikes! We try to leave and her daughter follows us. When the mom tells her to come here the 3 year old says, "no you come here!" ATT-I-TUDE. wowzer. The little girl then takes the Lord's name in vain and says she has to change her doll. oooookkkk......You meet all kinds of people on your mission that's for sure.
My new favorite pass time is contacting people on the bus. It's the best. Sometimes it's hard to start a conversation, but every time I listen to the Spirit I know what to say. It's so strange how something so simple as talking to people about the gospel on the bus can make you so happy. But it does! I'm so grateful to have this time to be a representative of Jesus Christ. It's such a blessing to wear this name tag. Now I'm off to ride my bike in the I feel like such a cliche missionary. Isn't it the best?
Sister Crane

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