Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Best Day Ever!!!

Before we return to our normal program here's a word TO our sponsors:
Here's to you Mom and Dad for buying me that pink bike when I was 10 and letting me ride around in the garage in circles because it was raining, you made this week possible...(if only you would have enforced helmet wearing maybe my helmet today wouldn't feel so ridiculous)
Here's to you Matt for running head on to me on my bike and knocking me over. Because of you I'm deathly afraid of falling and now bike at a cautious speed.
Thanks to you Jeff, for the rides through the northwood trails. You bike almost as fast as Sister Davis does. Because of you I practiced early on the sentence, "hey wait up I'm all they way back here!" It came in handy this week.
And Thanks to you minnie mouse bike. You're training wheels provided for some good practice...if only I had those training wheels now...if only....
And now back to our normal program:
Happy New Brunswick day every one!! What did you do to celebrate? nothing? perfect! That's exactly how people celebrate it here too! I've decided that Canada makes up holidays to get days off of work. It's a well known fact by now. I mean come on Victoria day? Civic holiday? New Brunswick day? I'm just confused! what is the purpose? oh well...that just means more people are at home when we go to their door. wahoo!
As you can tell from above this was a rough week on the bikes. On Thursday I experienced THE most cliche mission day of my life let me explain why:
-We rode on our bikes in the rain all day (pouring rain) soaked through and through with my helmet on top of my rain jacket hood. Classic look, I highly recommend it.
-I stepped into a deep puddle and came out with one foot soaking wet with mud
-I ate foreign food with my hands ( It was indian food and the person feeding us is from india and she said it tasted so much better with your hands...I think she might be right)
-We got dropped (stopped teaching someone)
-Taught a lesson in a parking garage and I sat on grossness and got it all over my black skirt
-Biked like crazy because we were late for a bus. Get to the bus stop and realize it's the WRONG stop! ah! so get back on the bike and go crazy fast to get to the next stop and the bus comes but the bike rack is full! We ask the bus driver desperately if we can carry our bikes on and he relunctantly says yes! Miracle!
-Came home exhausted and looked in the mirror and thought "oh dear, is that really what I looked like all day?!"
So in conclusion it was the best day ever! Seriously! Half the time we were riding in the rain I was laughing. When I stepped in the puddle I thought it was the funniest thing ever. The indian food was really good and the people feeding us were so nice. And the rest of it was just an adventure. It's amazing how when you are on the go 24/7 you can see God's hand in your life so much! It always works out...we some how make the bus...we some how get a ride...we some how get a member to come to a lesson last minute...we some how have the energy to teach and listen and discern and teach some more. This is the Lord's work!
Our investigators are amazing! I often wonder what it would be like to be an investigator and make these huge changes in my life and sacrifice so much just because you know and believe in the gospel. It's incredible what these people do and what they are willing to give up for the Lord. Jerome (one from the phillipines) is doing good. We're working on getting him to church. This whole waking up thing is hard for college students :) Jing and Chen (china) are amazing. They have the best questions ever! At church Chen kept falling asleep during sacrament meeting and went out to his car to take a nap during sunday school. I asked Jing where he went and when I found out we marched off to the car to wake him up. I gave him a snack and he came back in...I don't think he appreciated it too much but I think he knows now that he needs to get to bed earlier on Saturdays. Gloria is awesome. She has such a strong testimony of the gospel and is so courageous in making those changes neccesary. Affe is the cutest she bought me glasses! Like legit glasses! The ones that I said I loved! Our last lesson she tells me that she had a friend buy them in China and they should be here at the end of the month! Get out! She's so cool. I'm telling you these people are amazing!
We also went to see a lot of members this week, trying to get to know the ward...and you know referrals wouldn't hurt either :) They are all amazing. I'm so grateful that people love missionaries here. I don't know what I would do if they didn't! Our fridge is always full of food and left overs because of them. On Sunday we went to the Caddish's. They are this older couple from Austria. They have an AMAZING garden and she made us a meal with fresh food from her garden. We had Chicken fajitas! AH finally! Fredericton you got it right! Mexican food is where it's at, no more meat and potatoes! The food was divine to say the least. For dessert we had banana bread with ice cream and her homeade warm apple sauce over the icecream. I was nervous at first but not after the first bite! De-O-licious! It's a good thing I'm on a bike with all of this good food.
I am so grateful to serve! I'm so grateful for my family! I'm so grateful that I have been prepared my whole life to come to Atlantic Canada and meet these people...I just never knew that's what I was being prepared for! The gospel is true! How blessed we each are. I regret all of those times I ever felt sorry for myself ever. How foolish. We are so incredible blessed we just have to look around and notice the blessings. God cares about the big things and the small things in our lives. He loves His children all over the world and hears them in whatever language they pray. He knows our hearts. I'm so grateful that He does. Christ lives! It's through Him that we can have hope in this world! I know that everything that we sacrifice for the gospel is really so small compared to the blessings we receive in abundance. It's so simple. You read the scriptures, you pray, you go to church, you get baptized and endure to the end. It all comes down to the simple steps. What a wonderful time to serve. The church is true!
Sister Crane

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