Monday, August 8, 2011

The Chi-Lect and scantily clad woman

I would like to entitle this blog posting as The Chi-Lect and the scantily clad woman. Good title eh? Yes I did just say eh. I've been using it in my vocabulary more frequently. I don't think Sister Davis approves, but I've forgotten my American ways...I'm all Canadian now. Well except for this whole poutine idea. Gravy and cheese curd on french fries? yuck! You can get it at Burger King for only 2 dollars extra. mmmmm....hurry on in everyone!
So this week we went to......TRURO! ya buddy! It was the best. weird being back though...and so soon after leaving too! We were on our way to a conference in Halifax but spent the night in Truro part way. It was really weird sleeping on the couch of my own apartment....well what was my own apartment. Really surreal actually. It was the best seeing Sister Glenn though. She had the best news about everyone. Amber who we were teaching got baptized! Nathan who we taught is getting baptized this Saturday! ah! And Greg and Chad who got baptized earlier this year both recieved the Aaronic priesthood! So many happy things! I got to see a few people while I was there too! I saw Greg, he's hillarious as usual, Sister Reyes and her clan they had to do a double take when they saw me (I love surprises) and then Sister Priest!(the one who got baptized last November) She had recently taken a fall and she's in a lot of pain, it was nice to see her and so sad to say good bye all over again, but we both agreed we'd see each other in November when she goes through the temple for her first time! ah! yay!
After Truro we headed off to Halifax. I worked in the city with Sister Hudson (MTC comp) and the rest of the sisters went to a newer missionary training conference thing. I worked in the city for 2 days and it was the best ever! Oh my goodnes. Sooooo many people to talk to! We rode the bus and mostly walked every where. I learned a TON from Sister Hudson. She taught me to be myself and to act like each person's life depended on you. She is so outgoing and will start a conversation with anyone so casually and then bam share the gospel. I wish I could go into detail about every experience I had in Halifax with her and all the things I learned but to sum it up it was a very humbling experience and I learned to just be myself when I talk to total strangers. I will share one experience though:
THE CHI-LECT! Ok let me first say that this was THE BEST lesson I've ever been apart of ever! SOOO cool! So once upon a time the assistants were street contacting and met this guy from China, he was interested in the gospel but didn't live in their area so they got his phone number and gave him as a referral to the sisters in Halifax. They call the number and they get a guy from China....but it's not the same guy the assistants had met! However this guy from China is interested too! crazy right? It gets better. So they meet with him and he brings a friend. cool! Then he comes to church and brings 2 friends! woah! so cool! Then I get there and go with Sister Hudson to the appointment and we open up the door and I think, "woah it's a party!" 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7! 7 chinese guys! And they all want to learn more about the gospel! WHA? I know right? Plus we had 2 members with us. Soooo 11 people in one room for one lesson. So inside I'm freaking out and so excited. They grab 2 chairs for us to sit on and then everyone else sits on this giant mattress in the middle of the room. I felt like saying, "ok class today's lesson is on the restoration." At one point I asked , "so where are you all from?" STUPID question! a roar of laughter exploded followed by a...."duh China!"....ok ok just checking! haha It was the coolest lesson ever. We watched the restoration and testified over and over again. When Sister Hudson shared the first vision I wanted cry I could just feel the Spirit so strongly and I was so happy! We walked out of there extatic! One of the Chinese guys talked to us after and goes, "you guys are really cool, what I love about your church is this voluntary work you do. I would like to do that too." "YOU CAN!" we both yelled, "just get baptized and then you can serve a mission!" He laughed. It was great. But seriously. Can you imagine all 7+ getting baptized and serving missions?! China has got to open soon I just know it.
Oh side note: after that experience we were street contacting and we see this Chinese girl. Instantly Sister Hudson goes CHI-LECT! (the Chinese Elect) and walks up to her and starts asking her if she would be interested in learning more. The girl says no and trys to leave but sister hudson goes, "well you know actually we're teachin a lot of Chinese people right now and we'd love for you to come and meet them!" ..."oh really? ok well you wanted my number? sure!" haha loved it.
To say the least it was the best working in the city, and it's the best now taking what I've learned and applying it here! Our investigators are awesome and we love them so much, I just wish they could understand sometimes how important the things we're teaching to them are. It's so insane to me that we have this amazing knowledge of this plan God has for us,and we have the authority to baptize! And people don't get that they can have the blessings of that now! That all of the sacrafices they would make to have that knowledge and to participate in those oridinances would far be outweighed by the blessings they would recieve from the gospel! Jeff is a new investigator we have and he just committed to be baptized in September! I'm so excited for him! When people say yes to a baptismal commitment I just want to jump up and down and say, "yes! this is the best choice you could ever make!" I love it when I see the joy the gospel brings into someone else's life. I'm so grateful to be here serving and for the learning experiences I had this week. The church is true!
Sister Crane

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